V3 A2132

Olivier Mosset

23.01.2018 | 24.03.2018
Massimo De Carlo, Milano

Massimo De Carlo is pleased to start the New Year with an exhibition by Swiss artist Olivier Mosset, based in Tucson Arizona, with whom Massimo De Carlo has collaborated for 30 years, since 1987.

Olivier Mosset is well known for his minimalist practice that investigates conceptual abstraction through painting. The artist explores a variety of monochrome colour blocks, surfaces, geometrical patterns, and dimensions via methodical repetition of gestures: a radical and dynamic approach to the canvas; that refuses any form of subjectivity.

The exhibition is structured as a small retrospective, a narrative where the artist has selected a number of works from different periods of his career that allow the viewer to grasp the essence of his work from the sixties to the now.

In the first room of the exhibition Olivier Mosset chose to display three monumental canvases. At the centre of the room there is a colossal work, composed of a purple and a red block, is a tribute to the thirty years of the artist’s collaboration with the gallery: Sun City was shown in the first exhibition by Olivier Mosset at Massimo De Carlo’s original gallery space in Milan in 1987. On the two side walls the viewer can engage with Mosset's monochromes and symbolic geometries: on one side an immersive blazing large orange canvas painted in the early 2000s, on the other a lengthy white surface Patricia's Pillow (1985), where a long bright yellow line harshly yet lightly crosses a white surface. These paintings render tangible the immanent energy of Mosset's works and his analysis of the role of the artist as creator and author.

The study of the authorship of the painter and of the individuality of the artwork is strongly articulated in the second room, where there are exhibited three iconic Circle Paintings of the seventies. Realized during Mosset’s Parisian days – where in the second half of the sixties with Daniel Buren, Michel Parmentier and Niele Toroni, Mosset founded the minimalist collective BMPT – these paintings are part of a series of circa 200 identical canvases that Mosset produced between 1966 and 1974 and epitomize his radical approach to art making.

On the first floor of the gallery there are two monumental black monochrome canvases, created especially for this exhibition, shown alongside an immense white monochrome from 1999: the three works narrate and trace Olivier Mosset’s continuous exploration of the relationship between the ego and the death of the notion of author.

Combining playfulness with austere rigour Olivier Mosset’s practice creates auto sufficient paintings that exist for themselves. As put by Mosset himself: “The viewer can sit down for hours in front of one of these canvases, and chose to see whatever they decide that they are seeing: the abstract subject is fluctuating and mutable for the eyes of the viewer. For example, once I have applied paint on a canvas I no longer see my painting but simply a painting” With this exhibition Olivier Mosset once again masters not only the painterly gesture but also the creation of unprecedented ways of seeing.

Olivier Mosset

奥利维尔·莫塞 (OLIVIER MOSSET) 1944年出生于瑞士伯尔尼,现工作居住于美国亚利桑那州图森市。

奥利维尔·莫塞的极简主义作品探索了绘画领域中的概念抽象,是对创作、极简主义和真实性的深刻探讨。作为战后抽象艺术的关键人物,莫塞于20世纪60年代的巴黎开始了他的艺术之旅。他与艺术家丹尼尔·布伦(DANIEL BUREN)、米歇尔·帕门蒂尔 (MICHEL PARMENTIER) 和尼尔·托罗尼 (NIELE TORONI) 等人紧密合作,组织过五次激进的“宣言”,挑战传统,该组合后来被称为BMPT。从他标志性的黑色圆圈绘画开始 —— 一系列于1966年至1974年间完成的200幅相同尺寸(1米×1米)作品——莫塞被认为是寻求“创造性中立”乌托邦的先驱。搬到纽约后,他的绘画经历了关键的转变,专注于探索绘画中的颜色和尺寸,直到1986年起才专门创作单色。随后几年里,莫塞深入研究了绘画本身的基本组成部分。

莫塞的作品被许多重要机构永久收藏,包括:现代艺术博物馆,纽约;鲁贝尔家族收藏,迈阿密;伯尔尼艺术博物馆,伯尔尼;巴黎现代艺术博物馆,巴黎;MAC-里昂当代艺术博物馆,里昂;LE CONSORTIUM,第戎。奥利维尔·莫塞曾代表瑞士参加第44届威尼斯双年展。