
Double Dusk

Anne Buckwalter

19.03.2024 | 30.03.2024
Pièce Unique

“Every moment happens twice: inside and outside, and they are two different histories.” - Zadie Smith, White Teeth

Anne Buckwalter paints realms of the subtly unexpected. As minutely detailed as they are charmingly mysterious, her paintings are visual delights that draw the viewer into the dainty homes of strangers, whose strangeness reveals itself, one detail at the time.

Double Dusk is Anne Buckwalter’s first presentation at MASSIMODECARLO Pièce Unique, presenting a series of new works that deal with the portrayal of intimacy, and the delicate tension between private and public, the personal and collective.


Peering into Anne Buckwalter’s homes, we find ourselves gazing at colours, patterns and textures reminiscent of the Pennsylvania Dutch, naif aesthetic of her childhood.

Never entirely visible, human bodies - sometimes naked, unaware of the viewer’s gaze, are absorbed by the calm and intimacy of their homes. Anne Buckwalter places the viewer in the involuntary position of voyeur, revealing the raw, surprisingly relatable simplicity of other people’s privacy.

As the artist explains, formal perfection doesn’t exist, so it is interesting to “gesture towards it” knowing that it is impossible to attain.


With this in mind, Buckwalter plays with the illusion of order and perfection. As if collaged together, creating an illusion of flatness, her clearly delineated, almost geometric volumes are often divided in two, not quite symmetrical parts.

Like a game of “7 differences” we find ourselves peering at twin realities, coexisting in the same picture. Two alarm clocks set 1 minute apart, moons at different heights in the night sky through the window, books open at different pages, or TV screens playing different movies side by side… mirroring each other, her pictures become the depictions of their inhabitants’ unique perspectives.

The longer we look, the clearer it becomes that her paintings are portraits of inner space: both of the rooms, and of their inhabitants, withholding all the contradictions and simplicity of individual existence.



Anne Buckwalter

Anne Buckwalter, born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, in 1987, currently resides and works in Durham, Maine.

Exploring themes of female identity and the juxtaposition of contradictory elements, Anne Buckwalter’s creative practice draws inspiration from the folk-art traditions of her Pennsylvania Dutch heritage. Her artistry manifests in arranging disparate objects within enigmatic domestic settings and ambiguous spaces.

Through the exploration of obscure narratives that embrace paradoxes, her paintings delve into profound inquiries surrounding the body, femininity, sexuality, and intimacy.

Anne is the recipient of a 2020-2021 Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant, a 2020 Idea Fund Grant, and a 2016 Joan Mitchell Foundation Emerging Artist Grant.

Her exhibitions span across renowned venues including the Portland Museum of Art in Portland, ME (2018); Woodmere Art Museum in Philadelphia, PA (20218); Boston University Gallery in Boston, MA (2011); The Painting Center in New York, NY (2018), among others.

Anne’s artworks are included in esteemed collections worldwide, including the Institute of Contemporary Art in Miami; Aishti Foundation in Lebanon; Zuzeum in Latvia; X Museum in Beijing; Art Museum of West Virginia; and Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts.