A Short History of Power and Death
Massimo De Carlo gallery is pleased to present Double by Carsten Höller. This is the first show by the Belgian-born German artist in Hong Kong. Renowned for his audience-engaging and inquisitive practice, Carsten Höller, who has begun his professional life as a scientist in agricultural entomology, creates visually striking, often large-scale installations that produce unique experiences in the viewer/user.
In the exhibition Double, the artist presents a series of recent works dealing with the notion of doubling, and doubling the doubled. The double is a recurring theme in the work of the artist, and is epitomized by the acrylic glass sculpture Yellow/Orange Double Sphere1, a suspended luminous device composed of two coloured spheres. The work is part of the series Vehicles by Höller, created from 1998 onwards. He suggests using this particular vehicle on a downhill slope, where a person can travel standing inside the inner sphere whilst the outer sphere spins around it when rolling down the hill. The dimensions of Yellow/Orange Double Sphere are designed to accommodate one person standing with spread legs and arms, like Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man.
The notion of duplication is also present in the work Giant Triple Mushroom2, an enlarged replica of three different types of mushrooms, including Amanita muscaria (also known as fly agaric), a highly poisonous type of fungus with psychoactive properties. The work is part of a series of mushroom sculptures that the artist started making in the early 2000s. Questioned about his interests in mushrooms, Höller has said: "the fruiting bodies of fungi, which we call mushrooms, come in a large variety of shapes, colours, and ingredients - but this variety doesn't make sense as they don't communicate and don't want to attract animals in order to spread their spores, as far as we know. There is something going on there that we don't understand. The fly agaric, in it's splendid colourful display and it's toxicity, is an especially striking example of this enigmatic uselessness."
The artists continues to apply the doubling method in Double Mushroom Vitrine (Twice) a glass vitrine that contains life-sized casts of wild mushrooms: half a fly agaric is mounted to half a fruiting body of another mushroom of similar height. The vitrine contains two of these half/half mushroom replicas. Grey Dots on Ivory-white Background is part of Carsten Höller’s new series of paintings based on the principle of division. The dots are applied at the exact location where a division would take place if the surface of the painting would be divided in half, and half of it in half again, and so on.
其作品被众多重要机构收藏,包括:澳大利亚国家美术馆,堪培拉;海蒂·霍顿藏品博物馆;S.M.A.K.,根特;广东美术馆,广州;上海美术馆,上海;余德耀美术馆,上海,蓬皮杜艺术中心,巴黎;兰伯特收藏馆;阿维尼翁;弗朗索瓦·皮诺基金会,巴黎;路易威登基金会,巴黎;新地区当代艺术博物馆,第戎;维勒班当代艺术中心,维勒班;LE CONSORTIUM,第戎;角斗场,图卢兹;巴黎现代艺术博物馆,巴黎;第戎美术馆,第戎;雷恩美术馆,雷恩;保尔·瓦雷里博物馆,塞特;德意志银行收藏,法兰克福;曼海姆美术馆,曼海姆;路德维希博物馆,科隆;BANCA POPOLARE DI BERGAMO,贝加莫;COLLEZIONE FONDAZIONE SAN PATRIGNANO,里米尼;贝加莫现当代美术馆,贝加莫;国立二十一世纪艺术博物馆,罗马;东京国立近代美术馆,东京;卡塔尔博物馆管理局,多哈;善载当代艺术博物馆,庆州;WOOYANG MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART,庆州;马拉加当代艺术中心,马拉加;福尔林登博物馆,瓦塞纳;阿布扎比卢浮宫,阿布扎比;檀香山艺术学院,檀香山;檀香山美术馆,檀香山;夏威夷州立艺术博物馆,檀香山;TIA COLLECTION,圣达非。
严培明的作品曾参加威尼斯双年展,意大利(1995年,2003年);里昂双年展,法国(1997年,2003年);SEVILLE BIENNIAL,西班牙(2006年);伊斯坦布尔双年展,伊斯坦布尔(2007年);曼谷双年展(2018年)。