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Massimo Bartolini

09.04.2016 | 07.05.2016
Massimo De Carlo, Milano
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Massimo Bartolini

Massimo Bartolini, born in Cecina in 1962, where he currently resides and works, has a multifaceted background. He studied as a surveyor in Livorno (1976-1981) and graduated from the Florence Academy (1989). He is a professor of visual arts at UNIBZ Bolzano, NABA (New Academy of Fine Arts, Milan) and Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna.

His repertoire spans a wide array of languages and materials, encompassing performative works involving temporary actors, the public, or the architectural space, complex sound sculptures, photographs, videos, and large-scale public installations.

He has participated in the La Biennale di Venezia (1999, 2009, 2013), Documenta 13 (Kassel, 2012) and Manifesta 4 (Frankfurt, 2002). Bartolini’s work is in permanent collections of National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa; MAXXI Arte Collections, Rome; Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Turin; Fundaciò La Caixa, Barcelona; Museum Voorinden, Wassenaar; Olnick Spanuand Magazzino Italian Art Collection, New York.

Massimo Bartolini will be the representing artist of the Italian Pavilion at the 60th Venice Biennial in 2024.