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Maurizio Cattelan

29.03.2022 | 29.07.2022

MASSIMODECARLO is proud to present Maurizio Cattelan’s YOU on March 28.

YOU is a brand new project that reflects upon fundamental human instincts: love, friendship, affection, power, loss and defeat. This new work of art appears as a revelation and opens the door to an unexpected space, used here for the first time, within the meandering rooms of the gallery’s Casa Corbellini-Wassermann.

YOU is a hallucination, a simultaneous image of control and failure. A generous welcoming gesture or a sad and inevitable farewell, YOU explores the role of the individual in the collective realm: an admission of surrender, or perhaps an affirmation of kindness. This new intervention by Maurizio Cattelan affirms the death of great powers, while infusing a new energy in the strength of the individual. Despite trying to create a distance between the work and the viewer, Maurizio Cattelan’s YOU is certainly all about us.

Maurizio Cattelan


卡特兰曾以1999年巴塞尔美术馆展出的作品“LA NONA ORA” 在国际上引起轩然大波:该蜡像雕塑中,他把教皇约翰·保罗二世塑造成被陨石击倒在地的样子。

2019年底,卡特兰在英国牛津郡布莱尼姆宫举办个展《VICTORY IS NOT AN OPTION》:曾在纽约古根海姆博物馆展出过的名为“美国”的18K黄金马桶在开幕当晚被盗。


莫瑞吉奥·卡特兰的作品曾在世界各地的重要机构展出,包括:皮诺基金会,巴黎;国家当代艺术基金会,普都;F.R.A.C.,朗格多克-鲁西永,加来海峡省;吉尔·福奇收藏,巴黎;以色列博物馆,耶路撒冷;达基斯·乔阿诺收藏,雅典;里沃利城堡当代美术馆,都灵;山德雷托•雷•雷包登戈基金会,都灵;伽麦克斯收藏,墨西哥城;米格罗斯博物馆,苏黎世;ELAINE DANNHEISSER收藏,纽约;古根海姆美术馆,纽约;卢贝尔家族收藏,迈阿密;西雅图艺术博物馆,西雅图。