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The secret ingredient è la morte

Shannon Cartier Lucy

19.05.2022 | 25.06.2022
Vlcsnap 2023 06 20 15h23m28s180

MASSIMODECARLO is pleased to announce Shannon Cartier Lucy’s debut exhibition in Italy The secret ingredient è la morte opening in Milan at Casa Corbellini-Wassermann on May 19th, 2022.

The exhibition premieres a new series of paintings addressing the artist’s fascination for ancient Italian iconography and classical heritage, elaborating on the aesthetic language of Early Renaissance Italian master painting such as Beato Angelico and Giotto, as well as incorporating Flemish painters’ tradition.

With a career bustling experimentation spanning over twenty years, Shannon Cartier Lucy’s paintings are a prologue to endless, inspired storytelling. At first glance, Cartier Lucy’s subjects appear both familiar and evocative: a woman dressed in black holding a flower, a girl with a duck on a leash, and vegetables arranged in still life compositions; they channel deep, personal narratives. The artist finds inspiration in Robert Bresson and Michael Haneke’s movie production, balancing the duality of dark themes and intriguing narratives, beauty and darkness, the ordinary and the absurd, comfort and discomfort, irony and distrust.

Cartier Lucy instills her painting with eerie, surreal situations infusing her compositions with a uniquely enigmatic naiveté: “my paintings are each a sort of a self-portrait. I like to portray my truth. I feel like I can only be completely honest if I'm speaking from my point of view. I'm not ready to speak for anyone but myself” she explains.

Cartier Lucy is a cantor of the subtle absurdity of ordinary life; her practice can be seen as a deep dive into dreamlike visions, unfolding through a mixed vocabulary of sacred and profane references filled with hallucinatory and provocative hints.

The stories she tells through her paintings aspire to amplify painterly tradition and its tropes – by challenging the format of still life and portraiture and by developing an open time machine that shatters the barriers between the past and future, convention and innovation.

Shannon Cartier Lucy






Shan dark studio 2