1 FW Jennifer Guidi Radiant 2016


Jennifer Guidi

21.11.2016 | 28.01.2017

Massimo De Carlo Gallery is proud to present the first European exhibition by American artist Jennifer Guidi.

Radiant brings together fourteen new canvases of layered paint and sand in an exploration of gesture, pattern and texture. Intricate in their execution and ambiguous in their reading, Guidi’s paintings oscillate across a broad spectrum of association.

Beginning with a colourful under-painting or with raw linen, Guidi obscures this initial layer through the application of a cement-like mixture of sand, paint and acrylic polymers. While still wet, this sedimented exterior is then carefully manipulated by hand carved tools, teased and parted to reveal the base-layer beneath through hundreds of small indentations. In a few examples, the interior of the indentation is filled with oil paint. While others are continued to be layered with washes of paint and more sand.

This inquisitive and tactile process of revealing and concealing is first experienced through the five paintings in the ground floor gallery. Dark, almost clouded on approach, at closer range they gradually concede the presence of a wildly bright composition beneath the surface, submerged below perforated beds of black sand.

On the first and lower ground floors Guidi’s paintings expand on those blasts of shrouded colour, with whirlpools of rich, radiant hues. Simultaneously dynamic and laconic, luminous and taciturn, their composite texture engages the materially uncanny and a tangible physicality.

In Radiant, Guidi creates a playful yet insightful language through sensory stimulation. Her granular compositions, at once concentric and eccentric, encourage a breadth of interpretation and experience.

The Artist

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Jennifer Guidi

Jennifer Guidi 1972 年出生于加利福尼亚州雷东多海滩。她在洛杉矶生活和工作。

詹妮弗·吉迪的画作错综复杂,解读含糊,在广泛的联想中摇摆不定。 吉迪从彩色底漆或生亚麻布开始,通过使用沙子、油漆和丙烯酸聚合物的水泥状混合物来遮盖最初的一层。 在仍然潮湿的情况下,这种沉积的外部会被手工雕刻的工具小心地操纵,梳理和分开,通过数百个小凹痕露出下面的基层。

她的作品进一步推进了极简主义和精神抽象的现代主义历史,让人回想起艾格尼丝·马丁(Agnes Martin)微妙的几何重复或希尔玛·阿夫·克林特(Hilma af Klint)的六翼天使形式和光环色彩渐变:将尘世物质与以太连接起来的神秘渲染。 圭迪开发组合放射状系统的冥想过程,其中“起点”产生离心标记力,通常稍微向左开始,代表心脏作为能量来源,表现出松散的椭圆形球形循环系统,就像血液流过静脉一样 和动脉,钉住经络穴位。


Jennifer Guidi Photo by Brica Wilcox