Mc Arthur Binion 001

Ink: Work

McArthur Binion

12.09.2018 | 15.12.2018
Massimo De Carlo, Milano

Massimo De Carlo is pleased to inaugurate the new season with the first solo exhibition in Italy by the American artist McArthur Binion, who returns to Italy after having taken part in the 2017 Venice Biennale.

American artist McArthur Binion was born in Mississippi in 1946 and is now based in Chicago. Throughout his fifty-year practice of assemblage painting, the artist has interwoven individual memories with historical recollection and his experience of America in the past, by layering paint and personal memorabilia onto large-scale canvases.

Ink:Work presents a new series of works made specifically for this exhibition, that revolve around the use of colour and ink, specifically secondary colours that the artist applies with paint stick. The works on show are a continuation of the artists’ DNA series, an exploration of the relationship between past and present. In each of these works the artist blends private documents, hand written pages of his old phone books (where names from the past such as ‘Mary Boone’ and ‘Basquiat’ evoke the 70s and 80s New York art scene) are covered with layers of painted coloured grids, that conceal and at the same time introduce the narration element of his practice. McArthur lived in NYC from 1973 until 1992, everything and everyone who revolved around his studio at the time is captured and framed in each painting.

The use of personal documents asserts the artist own existence and the layers of paint encompass the artist’s experience with authority and the art world in America. Talking about the series Binion stated that he was interested in “how to bring something into being: not to have it fabricated but to work in an applied way”.

McArthur Binion



比尼恩的作品具有微妙却强烈的政治色彩。策展人洛维里·斯托克斯·西姆斯(LOWERY STOKES SIMS) 曾将其DNA系列描述为“关于自我意识与自我探索的概念,以及对艺术家自己和他所贡献的历史进程的刻意反思”。 过去的四十年,麦克阿瑟·比尼恩不断探索抽象绘画的可能性。艺术家独特叙事与个人回忆的介入,以及他对内容的强调,使其作品区别于传统的极简主义艺术实践。比尼恩的作品曾被列入第57届威尼斯双年展,《VIVA ARTE VIVA》,由CHRISTINE MACEL策展。

其作品被众多私人及公共机构收藏,包括:纽约惠特尼美国艺术博物馆;纽约哈莱姆工作室博物馆;旧金山现代艺术博物馆;纽约大都会艺术博物馆;华盛顿国立非裔美国人历史文化博物馆;克兰布鲁克艺术博物馆;底特律艺术馆;波士顿当代艺术研究所;堪萨斯城坎伯当代艺术博物馆;杰克逊市密西西比艺术博物馆;新奥尔良艺术博物馆;圣达非 STRAUSS FAMILY COLLECTION;托莱多艺术博物馆。

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