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Carla Accardi

24.05.2022 | 18.06.2022
Pièce Unique

MASSIMODECARLO Pièce Unique is delighted to present the work of Carla Accardi for the first time in its rue de Turenne space. Working hand in hand with the artist and her Foundation for over fifteen years, Illusione is the gallery’s second solo exhibition dedicated to Carla Accardi, following Carla Acardi at Home, that graced the rooms of Casa Corbellini-Wasserman in Milan in 2021.

Accardi’s decade-spanning career saw her experimenting with various mediums and formats, ranging from sicofoil to ceramics and canvas. Growing up in post-war Italy, Accardi is one of the few women of her generation to be recognized for her pioneering artistic practice and political commitment. Her work is strongly informed by her acute self-awareness: in abstraction, Accardi found a formal vocabulary that allowed her to question artifice against truth, symbolism and rationality.

After an extended period experimenting with the plasticity of sicofoil in the 1980’s, Accardi turned to the more rugged, organic features of the hemp canvas, giving way to her iconic interwoven, color block canvases.

At first glance, Illusione appears to be a haphazard sequence of 12 identical canvases. Yet their order and combination is as precise as a mathematical formula, coherent in one precise layout only.

Each sign transcends the border of its individual rectangular canvas, creating an interwoven patterns across the work. The shapes are ornamental and rhythmical at once. One against the other, her color fields create a high contrast effect, whilst appearing connected in harmony by the homogeneous linen canvas background. A sense of flow emerges from the intertwining shapes, and the negative forms that emerge from each color.

The illusion of simplicity, or the simplicity of illusion, thus unfolds horizontally across the twelve canvases, hinting at a secret code perhaps, or spelling out a message that Accardi only holds the key to.

Carla Accardi’s work has been selected by Cecilia Alemani for the Venice Biennale’s exhibition “The Milk of Dreams” on view till November in the Giardini dell’Arsenale.

Carla Accardi

卡拉·阿卡迪 (1924至2014年) 是二战后意大利抽象绘画的重要人物。卡拉·阿卡迪1924年10月9日生于意大利特拉帕尼,1946年移居罗马之前在佛罗伦萨美术学院学习。她在罗马创立了极有影响力的战后团体FORM 1 (1947至1951年),是上世纪四五十年代意大利抽象艺术的主要参考。

卡拉·阿卡迪的早期作品由相互交错的几何图形组成。20世纪50年代,阿卡迪在意大利和法国进行了广泛的尝试,通过结合几何与势态绘画来改革抽象。艺术评论家米歇尔·塔皮 (MICHEL TAPI) 对她的创作很感兴趣。1953年,阿卡迪开始在抽象图画中加入伪书法的符号,同时将用色减少至黑白,以探索形状与背景之间的关系。

20世纪60年代,她的作品参考都市文化和光学效应,因此重新焕发了色彩。阿卡迪的艺术特点是运用透明塑料支撑物激发出不断的创作实验,透明塑料突出了绘画作为发光隔膜的本质。1961年,她开始在一种名为“SICOFOIL”的透明塑料材质上作画,而非传统布面。她将新形式的作品在1964年的威尼斯双年展上展出。到20世纪60年代中期,她开始将该形式用于雕塑创作中。卡拉·阿卡迪这段时期的创作(1976年威尼斯双年展)推动了贫穷艺术的发展。她在20世纪80年代回归画布,并将重点转移到符号与色彩的运用。1988年,她再次参加了威尼斯双年展,并于1994年参加了纽约古根海姆美术馆举办的展览《意大利变形 / ITALIAN METAMORPHOSIS,1943-1968》。

卡拉·阿卡迪的作品被众多重要机构收藏,包括:罗马国立现代艺术美术馆,都灵里沃利城堡当代艺术博物馆,摩德纳与博洛尼亚的GALLERIE CIVICHE,米兰王宫,都灵市立博物馆。艺术家于2014年2月23日在罗马去世。

Carla Accardi