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How To Live?

Andrea Zittel

01.06.2013 | 19.07.2013
Massimo De Carlo, Milano

Massimo De Carlo is pleased to present How To Live? a solo exhibition by American artist

Andrea Zittel. The exhibition will present five new works from Zittel's ongoing series, Prototypes for

Billboards, and a video titled How To Live?: A dynamic essay about liberation and it's complexities.

This new video portrays a settlement in the southern California desert, on a piece of land that no one seems

to own. It is free to live on this land and there are no restrictions on what people can or cannot do there.

With this glimpse into one community's liberation from mass society, the video touches on the existential

nature of freedom, as it's price, and meaning are called into question.

In contrast to the outdoor settlement presented in the video, the painted billboard prototypes depict

intimate and detailed interiors from the artist’s home, the ongoing site-specific project entitled A-Z

West, also located in the southern California desert. As the images of these domestic settings embody the

same questions that emerge in the video work, we see the artist carry the weight of these questions into the

everyday and every action.

The overarching question of How To Live? is lifted directly from the essays of Michel de Montaigne, who’s

life’s writings comprise a massive volume of essays and anecdotes on all the nuances of day-to-day

living. Zittel, like Montaigne, in a very personal and idiosyncratic manner, continues her life’s work of

asking these questions, constantly rewriting them, and allowing them to evolve in accordance to time and


Andrea Zittel


过去的25年,安德烈·奇特尔发展了一种前所未有的艺术实践,涵盖空间、物体和生活方式,针对何为存在并参与当今的文化进行了持续的研究。在培养形式抽象与功能共生的同时,奇特尔通过审查社会规范、价值观、等级制度,以及建立新的生活制度与结构,不断探索“应如何生活?”以及“什么赋予生命意义?”等问题。作品如“WAGON STATIONS”,“LIVING UNITES”,“PLANAR PAVILIONS”和“UNIFORMS”,暗示着可以通过规定限制而非完全自由,以允许创造力存在的系统,并重塑我们对人类需求与结构的思考。自2000年起,奇特尔在莫哈韦沙漠南部开发她的项目“A-Z WEST”,作为“A-Z EAST”的延续,同时她也将加州约书亚树国家公园内的HIGH DESERT TEST SITES作为工作和日常生活调查的实验场地。其实验场所超过50英亩,拥有众多卫星设备,环境、结构和不同元素在此塑造了一个有意策划的独特体验。

