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Game Over

03.03.2020 | 22.07.2020

Massimo De Carlo is pleased to present Game Over Tomoo Gokita’s first solo exhibition in Milan, and second with the gallery.

Tokyo based artist Tomoo Gokita is known for his signature painting style that marries pop- cultural archetypes with surreal, noirish flights of fancy. His artistic vocabulary barrels across illustration, soft pornography, abstraction and calligraphy, with perfect control, velvety surfaces and tonal range transforms ordinary scenes into warped and absurd realities.

Game Over is Tomoo Gokita’s first venture into painting in colour, a departure from the artists monochromatic style. In this exhibition, Gokita presents a selection of 16 paintings ranging from large to small scale, using sultry pastel colours reminiscent of spring colours or seasonal change, continues his streak of representing amorphous contemporary personae with slight sexual undertones. The reappearing elusive figure of Regina is represented in the majority of the canvases, creating this anonymous yet intriguing centripetal theme to the exhibition. Each room is a journey between the artists’ abstract and figurative makings where eroticism, painterly gesture and vibrant tints tell of an oneiric dimension that encompasses love, gender and daydreams.

Tomoo Gokita 5 UF Eeh
Tomoo Gokita


五木田智央是当今国际艺术界的著名日本当代艺术家。他自上世纪九十年代开始担任设计师,创作了一系列新闻纸材质的书籍,其中许多均大获好评,如2000年的“LINGERIE WRESTLING”。2000年,他放弃平面设计,全身心投入绘画。
