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Figure della notte (Byebye Flexor)

Gianfranco Baruchello

21.09.2021 | 26.09.2021
Pièce Unique

For his third solo presentation at the gallery, MASSIMODECARLO Pièce Unique is delighted to present Figure della notte (Byebye Flexor) by Gianfranco Baruchello, a painting produced between 1997 and 1998.

This large-scale painting is emblematic of Baruchello’s ability to transform his relationship with the space around him into art, combining the poetic and philosophical, as well as political and social narratives.

The canvas is scattered with miniature characters, words and shapes that populate Baruchello’s inner world and his artistic practice: the most recurrent themes are those of the realm of the house, in which interiors and rooms describe physical and emotional states.

This exhibition echoes the presentation of Psicoenciclopedia possibile by Gianfranco Baruchello at the Kandinsky Library of the Centre Pompidou in Paris (September 25 - October 24).

Psicoenciclopedia possibile at Centre Pompidou

"The Psicoenciclopedia possibile is constructed as if it were a volume of the Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, but it is not. ". G. Baruchello (2020).

The Psicoenciclopedia possibile, a major project initiated by Gianfranco Baruchello in 2017 and concluded in 2020, offers a sort of deconstruction of the very system of the encyclopedia. Commissioned and published by the Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, the volume subverts its structure. In 816 pages, Baruchello creates a complex system that links, through unexpected cross-references, 1,200 entries (in the first part of the volume) and 200 picture plates (in the second part).

The entries are taken from writings, published and unpublished, notes and transcriptions of Baruchello's dreams, while the images are the result of a long selection and editing process from various sources.

Baruchello therefore puts to the test, this time in a book, the systems of organization (causes, effects, narrative sequences, links) of seeing and knowing. As in all his other works, from painting, to the object, to the installation, the encyclopedia also dismantles the safest and most anchored links to venture into the uncertain, into the possible, into the "pleasure of thinking", through an ars combinatoria which does not exclude the different or the insignificant. With Psicoenciclopedia, an exemplary work, Baruchello questions the 21st century, entering into the plurality of possible points of view.

Gianfranco Baruchello

詹弗兰科·巴鲁切罗(Gianfranco Baruchello,利沃诺,1924 年 - 罗马,2023 年)在罗马和巴黎生活和工作。

在他长期的艺术研究中,他经历并跨越了二战后的主要趋势,从波普艺术到观念艺术。自20世纪50年代末以来,他使用了不同的媒介:绘画、电影、装置、物体、雕塑和表演实践 。 他的第一次个展于 1963 年在罗马的 La Tartaruga 画廊举行:大型绘画和小物品集中于构建第一个图像字母表的想法,他称之为“需要”、“敌意”、“恐惧”、“错误”、“欲望”等。1964 年, 在纽约 Cordier & Ekstrom 画廊举办展览之际,他展出的作品展现了他研究的一个重要终点:碎片化、图像在画布上的传播被简化为最小元素以及空间概念的分散化。

从1960年起,他开始制作短片,包括《Il grado Zero del paesaggio》(1963)、《Verifica incerta》(1964-1965)。 巴鲁切罗将碎片和蒙太奇的理念带入了他对绘画、雕塑和动态图像的实验中。 同年,他出版了《La quindicesima riga》(取自数百本书籍的文字行)和《Avventure nell'armadio di plexiglass》(有机玻璃字袍中的冒险)等艺术家书籍。 1962 年,他遇到了马塞尔·杜尚,并为他献上了《为什么杜尚》一书,该书由纽约麦克弗森于 1985 年出版。 1973 年,他创办了 Agricola Cornelia S.p.A.,这是一项艺术与农业之间的实验,他投入了八年时间。 1998年,他与卡拉·苏布里兹(Carla Subrizi)成立了巴鲁切罗基金会。

巴鲁切罗的作品被世界各地的博物馆收藏:国家现代艺术博物馆和 MAXXI 美术馆(罗马)、现代艺术博物馆和古根海姆博物馆(纽约)、赫希霍恩博物馆(华盛顿)、费城艺术博物馆(费城) 如巴塞罗那、慕尼黑、汉堡、伦敦和巴黎。

Gianfranco Baruchello Portrait